This is a small SQL function which will be useful for querying a Table which is having a comma separated value column.Background
Sometimes, you encounter a column that stores comma separated values. This solution makes it easy to search such a column. However, it is recommended, if possible, to split the tables into two according to the First Normal Form.For example: Storing the days of week in CSV format [Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday], for months in numbers [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]
I came across this requirement for storing the days in CSV format as reminder follow up for the user, and to query it.
Sometimes, we used to store a comma separated value in a column and which we will be using for some purpose in order to avoid creating a new table for that functionality. In this case,equals =
search or contains
Search or Like
query will not work as expected to find one or more item present in the comma separated value Column
, Inorder
to overcome the problem I have created this function for querying the
column in multiple scenarios which the developer can use according to
his/her need.Using the Code
First, we have to create a User Defined Function, which will take the comma separated value as the input and returns the items in a table format.
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create function dbo.fun_CSVtoTable(
@csv nvarchar (4000),
@Delimiter nvarchar (10)
returns @returnValue table ([Item] nvarchar(4000))
declare @NextValue nvarchar(4000)
declare @Position int
declare @NextPosition int
declare @comma nvarchar(1)
set @NextValue = ''
set @comma = right(@csv,1)
set @csv = @csv + @Delimiter
set @Position = charindex(@Delimiter,@csv)
set @NextPosition = 1
while (@Position <> 0)
set @NextValue = substring(@csv,1,@Position - 1)
insert into @returnValue ( [Item]) Values (@NextValue)
set @csv = substring(@csv,@Position +1,len(@csv))
set @NextPosition = @Position
set @Position = charindex(@Delimiter,@csv)
The below User Defined Function is used for querying the items in CSV column under different scenarios such as Contains Search, Exact Match Search, Exact Contains Search.
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create function dbo.fun_QueryCSVColumn(
@csvColumn nvarchar (4000),
@Delimiter nvarchar (2),
@value nvarchar(4000),
@search nvarchar(50) -- 'contains' | 'exact contains' | 'exact match'
returns nvarchar(1)
declare @return varchar(1) = '0'
declare @table_ColumnValue table (value nvarchar(100))
declare @table_InputValue table (value nvarchar(100))
declare @joinCount int
declare @valuecount int
declare @Columnvaluecount int
insert into @table_ColumnValue select distinct item from dbo.fun_CSVtoTable(@csvColumn,@Delimiter)
insert into @table_InputValue select distinct item from dbo.fun_CSVtoTable(@value,@Delimiter)
select @joinCount = count(*) from @table_ColumnValue a inner join _
@table_InputValue b on a.value = b.value
select @valuecount = count(*) from @table_InputValue
select @Columnvaluecount = count(*) from @table_ColumnValue
if(@search = 'contains') begin
if @joinCount >0
set @return = '1'
else if (@search = 'exact contains')
if(@joinCount = @valuecount)
set @return = '1'
else if (@search = 'exact match')
if( @joinCount = @valuecount and @joinCount= @Columnvaluecount )
set @return ='1'
return @return
After the above function is created, we can use the below queries to Search the item(s) in the CSV column.I have used the below table for demo purposes.
CSVColumn |
a,b |
a,b,c |
a |
b |
c |
a,c |
Querying the above column in 3 different scenarios:
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select * from mytable where '1' = dbo.fun_QueryCSVColumn (CSVColumn,',','a','contains')
CSVColumn |
a,b |
a,b,c |
a |
a,c |
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select * from mytable where '1' = dbo.fun_QueryCSVColumn (CSVColumn,',','b,a','contains')
CSVColumn |
a,b |
a,b,c |
a |
b |
a,c |
Exact Contains
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select * from mytable where '1' = dbo.fun_QueryCSVColumn (CSVColumn,',','b,a','exact contains')
CSVColumn |
a,b |
a,b,c |
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select * from mytable where '1' = dbo.fun_QueryCSVColumn (CSVColumn,',','c,b','exact contains')
CSVColumn |
a,b,c |
Exact Match
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select * from mytable where '1' = dbo.fun_QueryCSVColumn (CSVColumn,',','a,b,c','exact match')
CSVColumn |
a,b,c |
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select * from mytable where '1' = dbo.fun_QueryCSVColumn (CSVColumn,',','b,a','exact match')
CSVColumn |
a,b |
Points of Interest
But one thing you should keep in mind is, this will reduce the performance of theselect
query since we are using User defined function in select
statement, we should use this only when the CSV items are very few and the rows length is considerable range.Before creating a CSV column, just read about Database Normalisation.
I have used Comma in the example, you shall use any char as delimiter, it depends upon how you are storing the values in the table.
- Initial version
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