I use following script very often and I realized that I have never shared this script on this blog before. Creating Comma Separated Values (CSV) from Table Column is a very common task, and we all do this many times a day. Let us see the example that I use frequently and its output.
USE AdventureWorks
GO-- Check Table ColumnSELECT NameFROM HumanResources.Shift
(SELECT ',' + s.NameFROM HumanResources.Shift sORDER BY s.NameFOR XML PATH('')),2,200000) AS CSV
I consider XML as the best solution in terms of code and performance. Further, as I totally prefer this option, I am not even including the linka to my other articles, where I have described other options.
Do you use any other method to resolve this issue? Can you find any significant difference in performance between these options? Please leave your comment here.
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