Following query will run respective to today’s date. It will return Last Day of Previous Month, First Day of Current Month, Today, Last Day of Previous Month and First Day of Next Month respective to current month. DECLARE @mydate DATETIME SELECT @mydate = GETDATE () SELECT CONVERT ( VARCHAR ( 25 ), DATEADD ( dd ,-( DAY ( @mydate )), @mydate ), 101 ) , 'Last Day of Previous Month' UNION SELECT CONVERT ( VARCHAR ( 25 ), DATEADD ( dd ,-( DAY ( @mydate )- 1 ), @mydate ), 101 ) AS Date_Value , 'First Day of Current Month' AS Date_Type UNION SELECT CONVERT ( VARCHAR ( 25 ), @mydate , 101 ) AS Date_Value , 'Today' AS Date_Type UNION SELECT CONVERT ( VARCHAR ( 25 ), DATEADD ( dd ,-( DAY ( DATEADD ( mm , 1 , @mydate ))), DATEADD ( mm , 1 , @mydate )), 101 ) , 'Last Day of Current Month' UNION SELECT CONVERT ( VARCHAR (...