A complete guide to regular expressions is rather beyond the scope of this article. However, important points to remember are that the entire pattern is treated as a regular expression, so always be careful of characters that are “special” characters in regular expressions such as .(DOT stands for any character).
- . (any character)
- * (zero of more of the preceding)
- + (one or more of the preceding)
- {} (minimum to maximum quantifier)
- ? (ungreedy modifier)
- ! (at start of string means “negative pattern”)
- ^ (start of string, or “negative” if at the start of a range)
- $ (end of string)
- [] (match any of contents)
- - (range if used between square brackets)
- () (group, backreferenced group)
- | (alternative, or)
- \ (the escape character itself)
Flags are added to the end of a rewrite rule to tell Apache how to interpret and handle the rule. They are comma-separated, and contained in square brackets. Here’s a list of the flags, with their meanings
- C (chained with next rule)
- CO=cookie (set specified cookie)
- E=var:value (set environment variable var to value)
- F (forbidden – sends a 403 header to the user)
- G (gone – no longer exists)
- H=handler (set handler)
- L (last – stop processing rules)
- N (next – continue processing rules)
- NC (case insensitive)
- NE (do not escape special URL characters in output)
- NS (ignore this rule if the request is a subrequest)
- P (proxy – i.e., apache should grab the remote content specified in the substitution section and return it)
- PT (pass through – use when processing URLs with additional handlers, e.g., mod_alias)
- R (temporary redirect to new URL)
- R=301 (permanent redirect to new URL)
- QSA (append query string from request to substituted URL)
- S=x (skip next x rules)
- T=mime-type (force specified mime type)
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