1.Select nth highest salary and name from emp table
2.Select query without using "Like" operator . For eg select employee name start with 'j' and city is 'Noida' in company_name
3.Select query for grouping 2 coulmns in one column using Case statement
4.Create identity like coulmn in query
1 2 3 | SELECT DISTINCT (a.empsalary),a.Employee_Name FROM empData A WHERE N =(SELECT COUNT (DISTINCT (b.empsalary)) FROM empData B WHERE a.empsalary<=b.empsalary); --where N is your number (2nd or 5th) e.g SELECT DISTINCT (a.empsalary),a.Employee_Name FROM empData A WHERE 5 =(SELECT COUNT (DISTINCT (b.empsalary)) FROM empData B WHERE a.empsalary<=b.empsalary); |
2.Select query without using "Like" operator . For eg select employee name start with 'j' and city is 'Noida' in company_name
1 | select * from empdata where CHARINDEX('j',Employee_name)=1 and CHARINDEX('Noida',company_name)>0 |
3.Select query for grouping 2 coulmns in one column using Case statement
1 | select result=case when p1 is not null then p1 when p2 is not null then p2 end from tbltest |
4.Create identity like coulmn in query
1 | select row_number () over( order by p1) as sno, result=case when p1 is not null then p1 when p2 is not null then p2 end from tbltest |
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