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Showing posts from March, 2024

Start stop Service from Form App c#

Add a reference to  System.ServiceProcess.dll . Then you can use the  ServiceController  class. // Check whether the Alerter service is started. ServiceController sc = new ServiceController(); sc.ServiceName = "Alerter" ; Console.WriteLine( "The Alerter service status is currently set to {0}" , sc.Status.ToString()); if (sc.Status == ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped) { // Start the service if the current status is stopped. Console.WriteLine( "Starting the Alerter service..." ); try { // Start the service, and wait until its status is "Running". sc.Start(); sc.WaitForStatus(ServiceControllerStatus.Running); // Display the current service status. Console.WriteLine( "The Alerter service status is now set to {0}." , sc.Status.ToString()); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { Console.WriteLine( "Could not start the Alerter ...