1. Create Table: In this SQL Server query we will learn How to create table in SQL Server . 2. Create table with primary key: In this query we will Create SQL Server table with primary key . 1 2 3 4 5 6 CREATE TABLE TableName ( Id INT PRIMARY KEY, Name Nvarchar(500), Age INT ) 3. Create table with primary key and Identity Column: 1 2 3 4 5 6 CREATE TABLE TableName ( Id INT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY, Name Nvarchar(500), Age INT ) 4. Insert values into SQL Server table: In this SQL Server query we will learn about How to insert values into Sql Server table. 1 INSERT INTO TableName (Name,Age) VALUES ( 'Max' ,30); 5. Insert multiple rows in a single query: In this Sql query we will learn How to Insert Multiple Rows in a Single SQL Query . This query is very important and generall...