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Showing posts from November, 2016

small code snippet to get Youtube video views from URL using Javascript

<div>     <input type="url" placeholder="Enter Youtube video URL">     <a href="#" onClick="videoViews()">GO</a>  </div> <div class="videoembed"></div> <div class="views"></div> -------------------------------------------------- function videoViews() {     var rex = /[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]{11}/,         videoUrl = $('input').val() === '' ? alert('Enter a valid Url'):$('input').val(),         videoId = videoUrl.match(rex),         jsonUrl = '' + videoId + '?v=2&alt=json',        embedUrl = '//' + videoId,        embedCode = '<iframe width="350" height="197" src="' + embedUrl + '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>'      ...

How to find the browser details using JavaScript

 Getting about OS, Browser, Mobile, Flash, Cookies, Screen Size and Full User Agent. /**  * JavaScript Client Detection  * (C) viazenetti GmbH (Christian Ludwig)  */ (function (window) {     {         var unknown = '-';         // screen         var screenSize = '';         if (screen.width) {             width = (screen.width) ? screen.width : '';             height = (screen.height) ? screen.height : '';             screenSize += '' + width + " x " + height;         }         // browser         var nVer = navigator.appVersion;    ...