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Showing posts from June, 2016

Database diagram support objects cannot be installed because this database does not have a valid owner. To continue, first use the Files page of the Database Properties dialog box or the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to set the database owner to a valid login, then add the database diagram support objects.

Error: Database diagram support objects cannot be installed because this database does not have a valid owner. To continue, first use the Files page of the Database Properties dialog box or the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to set the database owner to a valid login, then add the database diagram support objects. Fixed this error with the help of this article : In SQL Server Management Studio do the following: Right Click on your database, choose properties Go to the Options Page In the Drop down at right labeled "Compatibility Level" choose "SQL Server 2005(90)" 3-1. choose "SQL Server 2008" if you receive a comparability error. Go to the Files Page Enter "sa" in the owner textbox. 5-1 or click on the ellipses(...) and choose a rightful owner. Hit OK after doing this, You will now be able to access the Database Diagrams...

Generating a WCF Client from Service Metadata

Ref: This topic describes how to use the various switches in Svcutil.exe to generate clients from metadata documents. Metadata documents can be on a durable storage or be retrieved online. Online retrieval follows either the WS-MetadataExchange protocol or the Microsoft Discovery (DISCO) protocol. Svcutil.exe issues the following metadata requests simultaneously to retrieve metadata: WS-MetadataExchange (MEX) request to the supplied address. MEX request to the supplied address with   /mex   appended. DISCO request (using the   DiscoveryClientProtocol   from ASP.NET Web services) to the supplied address. Svcutil.exe generates the client based on the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) or policy file received from the service. The user principal name (UPN) is generated by concatenating the user name with "@" and then adding a fully-qualified domain name (FQDN). However, for users who regist...

Web Services Description Language Tool (Wsdl.exe)

Ref: The Web Services Description Language tool generates code for XML Web services and XML Web service clients from WSDL contract files, XSD schemas, and .discomap discovery documents. wsdl [options] {URL | path} Argument Description URL The URL to a WSDL contract file (.wsdl), XSD schema file (.xsd), or discovery document (.disco). Note that you cannot specify a URL to a .discomap discovery document. Path The path to a local WSDL contract file (.wsdl), XSD schema file (.xsd), or discovery document (.disco or .discomap). Option Description /appsettingurlkey: key or /urlkey: key Specifies the configuration key to use in order to read the default value for the URL property when generating code. When using the   /parameters   option, this value is the   <appSettingUrlKey>   element and contains a string. /appsettingbaseurl: baseurl or /baseurl:...