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Showing posts from January, 2014

Kendo UI Grid Only Expand One Row at a Time

detailExpand function -------------------------------------- var grd = "#dvGrid"; $(grd).kendoGrid({                     dataSource: donorData,                     detailInit: detailInit,                     detailExpand: function (e) {                         $(grd + " tr.k-detail-row").hide();                         $(grd + " tr.k-master-row").find(".highlightrow").removeClass("activerow");              ...

Return value from function with an Ajax call [duplicate] (Jquery : call ajax and return value in function)

Jquery Code <script src="jscripts/jquery-1.7.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>     <script type="text/javascript">         test();         function test() {             alert('Call Ajax Function');             myFunction(function (d) {                 //processing the data                 alert("Return Datetime from Ajax Request. The Datetime is : " + d);             });             alert('Done');         }         function myFunction(callba...

login with google in .net

public static class GoogleAuthenticationApi     {         public static string GetAuthenticationToken(string userName, string password, out bool isUserValid)         {             string response = GoogleRequestHelper.GetPostResult("", String.Format("accountType=HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE&Email={0}&Passwd={1}&service=lh2&souce=sourceappname", userName, password), out isUserValid);             if (response.Contains("Auth="))             {                 foreach (string line in response.Split(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray()))                 { ...