How to manage a radio button in a Gridview? I have tried to select a single radio button out of multiple radio buttons in a Gridview. You can perform this using two ways. The first one is to use server side code. Use checked change property of radio button and find out which radio button has raised the event? and select that radio button; and make others uncheck. You need to set the “AutoPostBack” property of radio button to true to handle “OnCheckedChanged” event. However, the another way to do is by using javascript. You need to write the following javascript in an aspx page where you are using your Gridview. function CheckOnOff(rdoId,gridName) { var rdo = document.getElementById(rdoId); /* Getting an array of all the "INPUT" controls on the form.*/ var all = document.getElementsByTagName("input"); for(i=0;i<all.length;i++) ...